Monday, October 25, 2010

New MacBook Air Gets Torn Down ? Upgrading is off the Table

We are guessing you read Maximum PC because, like us, you love tearing apart machines to perform your own upgrades or simply do your own repairs. If this description fits you then the new MacBook air would probably be a bad choice if you were on the market for a new ultraportable. Sure its slim, light, and not a bad deal when you consider the amount of built in flash storage, but the machine seems to have been designed from the ground up to be a pain in the butt to disassemble.
Teardown experts from iFixit are reporting that Apple is using 5-point Security Torx screws to try and keep curious souls from venturing under the aluminum unibody. Mechanically inclined individuals with access to a grinder might be able to mutilate a Phillips head screwdriver to do the trick, but it?s certainly an annoying obstacle.
Regardless of your opinion of OSX, it's worth heading over to iFixit to checkout the full teardown of the new Macbook Air. Any way you look at it, Apple has done a pretty impressive job of cramming that much hardware into a pretty small frame. 
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